The Council of Ministers adopted the "Integrated Skills Strategy 2030 (detailed part)" (Zintegrowana Strategia Umiejętności. Część szczegółowa) by resolution No. 195/2020 of December 28, 2020. Integrated Skills Strategy 2030 has the status of a public policy and in accordance with the provisions of the amended Act of 15 July 2020 on the principles of development policy, it defines the basic conditions, goals and directions of the country's development in the social, economic and spatial dimensions of a given field or area, which result directly from the country's medium-term development strategy, i.e. the Strategy for Responsible Development.

The impact areas of the Integrated Skills Strategy 2030 (detailed part) are:

  1. Basic, transversal and professional skills of children, adolescents and adults
  2. Developing skills in formal education - management staff
  3. Developing skills in formal education - teaching staff
  4. Developing skills outside of formal education
  5. Skills development and use in the workplace
  6. Career counselling
  7. Collaboration of employers with formal and non-formal education
  8. Planning lifelong learning and the recognition of skills

The provisions of the Integrated Skills Strategy 2030 (detailed part) constitute both the basis for determining the management plans for national and European funds for skills  development, as well as a common frame of reference enabling the most advantageous planning of projects and programmes by the administrators of individual parts of the state budget, local government units and other public and private entities. Thus, the provisions of the Integrated Skills Strategy 2030 (detailed part) should be treated as a substantive guideline for the optimal allocation of national and European funds for skills development at the national and regional levels.

Since January 2018, experts from the Educational Research Institute have been assisting with the analytical work of drafting the general and detailed parts of the strategy.

Resolution No. 195/2020 of the Council of Ministers of December 28, 2020 on the adoption of the public policy "Integrated Skills Strategy 2030 (detailed part). The policy for skills development in line with the concept of lifelong learning" - Polish only

Integrated Skills Strategy 2030 (detailed part) - Polish only

