This publication presents the results of a nation-wide teacher survey conducted by the company “Librus” on a sample of 7100 persons.

The study included the comprehensive measurement of:

  • emotions during work (positive and negative), work engagement, relationships with co-workers, sense of meaning at work, and sense of self-efficacy,
  • perceived stress at work, symptoms of professional burnout, and the sense of the meaninglessness of work.

The survey results showed that teachers indicated the highest levels of wellbeing in the area of work engagement, especially in the physical and cognitive dimensions, and also the sense of its meaningfulness. The vast majority of survey respondents had a relatively high sense of self-efficacy, especially in the area of teaching students and cooperating with colleagues at work. According to the report’s author, these results confirm that the professional environment supports teachers’ performance and that thanks to their personal and professional resources, teachers are able to effectively perform their professional tasks.

Teachers’ poor wellbeing is mainly connected with professional burnout. The respondents also indicated the chronic presence of stress in their work. In the opinion of the report’s author, these negative feelings may indicate the unfavourable level of professional demands that teachers must cope with at work.

The survey did not find any relationships between socio-demographic characteristics (such as age or professional experience) and the level of wellbeing.

In order to support teachers’ wellbeing and counteract the negative effects presented in the report, the author presents the following recommendations:

  • regularly monitoring the positive and negative elements of teachers’ wellbeing;
  • implementing preventive measures concentrating on the physical and mental health of teachers;
  • building an organisational culture based on relations through networking within the organisation and in its community;
  • initiating and supporting two-way communication in which in-depth feedback is used and strengthening the sense of self-efficacy among teachers;
  • creating a platform for the exchange of experiences and professional good practices;
  • supporting teacher-parent cooperation;
  • developing dedicated psychological support and intervention instruments that will assist teachers when they experience professional difficulties.

The report is available on the Librus portal.