Written by Marcin Broniszewski

ReferNet is a network of institutions created by Cedefop in 2002 to provide information on national vocational education and training (VET) systems and policies in the EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. The ReferNet network includes thirty partners from thirty countries:

ibw Austria - Research & Development in VET 
Homepage | ReferNet website |

Bruxelles Formation
Homepage | ReferNet website |

NAVET - National Agency for Vocational Education and Training
Homepage | ReferNet website |

AVETAE - Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education
Homepage | ReferNet website |

HRDA - Human Resource Development Authority of Cyprus
Homepage | ReferNet website |

 Czech Republic
NÚV - National Institute for Education, Education Counselling Centre, And Centre for Continuing Education of Teachers
Homepage | ReferNet website |

Metropolitan University College
Homepage | ReferNet website |

Ministry of Education and Research
Homepage | ReferNet website |

Finnish National Agency of Education
Homepage | ReferNet website |  |  | 

Centre Inffo – Centre for the Development of Information on Continuing Vocational Training
Homepage | ReferNet website |  | 

BIBB - Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training
Homepage | ReferNet website |

Homepage | ReferNet website | |

National Office of Vocational Education and Training and Adult Learning - NSZFH-NOVETAL
Homepage | ReferNet website |

Education Directorate
Homepage | ReferNet website |

SOLAS - Further Education and Training Authority
Homepage | ReferNet website |

INAPP - Istituto Nazionale per l'Analisi delle Politiche Pubbliche
HomepageReferNet website |

AIC – Academic Information Centre - Latvian National Observatory
Homepage | ReferNet website |

KPMPC – Qualifications and Vocational Education and Training Development Centre
Homepage | ReferNet website |

INFPC – National Institute for the Development of Continuing Vocational Training
Homepage | ReferNet website |

Ministry for Education and Employment
Homepage | ReferNet website |

ECBO - Centre for expertise in VET
Homepage | ReferNet website | |

Norwegian Centre for international cooperation in education
Homepage | ReferNet website |

Educational Research Institute (IBE)
Homepage | ReferNet website

DGERT- Directorate General for Employment and Industrial Relations
Homepage | ReferNet website |

CNDIPT - National centre for development of technical and vocational education
Homepage | ReferNet website |

SIOV - State Institute of VET
Homepage | ReferNet website |

CPI - Centre for Vocational Education and Training
Homepage | ReferNet website |

State Foundation for Employment and Training
Homepage | ReferNet website | | | |  | |

SKOLVERKET - Swedish National Agency for Education
HomepageReferNet website |

 United Kingdom
HomepageReferNet website |